
The certification of a management system is an added-value.

We excel in our business and work to acieve our goals, committing ourselves to accomplish what we plan. Our intervention in the market is not only presenting proposals but rather partnerships, whose profitability is based on the success of the projects.

The consultants of GraduaL are able to issue recommendations and opinions in various areas of management and management systems.

Being the main objective of any company or institution the financial sustainability, in our opinion the implementation of management systems according to national and international standards, leading or not to certification processes, is the tool that ensures the achievement of this goal.


The case of the Quality Management System (ISO 9001)

This system is based on several principles of which we emphasize:

  • Identification of the processes of the organization, their interaction and improvement of the points where the problems occur, such as the lack of communication between departments, overlapping of tasks or inefficient workflows - efficient and efficient processes;
  • Customer satisfaction - dissatisfied customers do not generate revenue;
  • Analysis of risks and business opportunities;
  • Definition of objectives and actions to achieve them;
  • Monitoring the results of activities and business..

Any organization should guide their business according to the principles listed, regardless of obtaining certification.


The advantages of an external consultant are a greater degree of experience and knowledge, fruit of the contact with several organizational realities, greater impartiality and freedom, since it is not subject to hierarchical relations and more responsiveness of the company to changes.

In addition to the implementation of management systems and good management practices, in the various areas in which we operate, our consultants are able to support systems already implemented, from clarifying doubts and issuing opinions to total management in outsourcing regime.

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